Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce.
Proverbs 3:9
As good stewards, we are called to share our Time, Talents, and Treasures. St. Therese, Church of the Little Flower offers a variety of ways for you to share your first fruits and invest in the future of our parish.
Online Giving, for the convenience of managing your giving to a variety of parish funds online. For more information on how your online giving helps our parish, click HERE.
Electronic Funds Transfer, for your convenience, for your biweekly or monthly offertory or pledged contributions.
Church of St. Therese the Little Flower Endowment
Builds on the principal value, which is invested in a diversified approach.
Interest earned is disbursed for Church of St. Therese the Little Flower to
use each year to maintain our beautiful church. -
Anyone can donate at any time and enjoy tax credits!
Diocese of Bismarck Planned Giving:
Make a difference in people's lives and always be remembered for your contribution
Benefit yourself, your family, and the Diocese of Bismarck with your planned gift
Help fulfill our mission for many years and generations to come