"As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace."
1 Peter 4:10
There are so many ways you can take part in parish life at Little Flower. Browse through our different ministries to see what is right for you.
ALTAR SERVERS Adults and youth altar servers assist the priest at Mass by preparing the altar, carrying the cross and holding the prayer book. They also serve at daily Mass, funerals, weddings and other various parish services. This ministry is open to confirmed adults and youth who have received the Sacrament of First Communion.
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Eucharistic Ministers are entrusted with the special responsibility of helping the priest distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at liturgy. Training is provided.
GIFT BEARERS Individuals or families bring the offertory gifts to the altar during Mass.
GREETERS & USHERS Greeters create a welcoming environment before Mass by offering a friendly greeting as newcomers and parishioners enter the church. Ushers serve at Mass by assisting people to their seat, collecting the offertory, and directing the flow of people during Communion.
LECTORS These men and women proclaim the Scriptures during Mass. They devote time and preparation to understanding the Word of God so that all may hear and be open to God transforming their lives. Lectors require good reading skills.
ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE Members strive to create a liturgical environment and well planned worship representing our deep love and respect for Christ in the Holy Eucharist as well as reflecting the feasts and celebrations in the cycle of the liturgical year. Contact: Dione Bohl 822-3237 or Nancy Magnuson 509-4916.
MUSIC MINISTRY Dedicated singers and accompanists lead the assembly in a variety of traditional and contemporary hymns. A strong commitment and faithful attendance is asked of all who participate. Prior music experience is helpful but not required. Contact: Paul Nason, Music Director at (701) 426-3292
SACRISTANS Sacristans work quietly behind the scenes to ensure that our liturgies run smoothly. They prepare the sacred vessels, linens, and vestments needed for the liturgy, and also clean and put away all items afterwards. In these tasks, they are dedicated to St. Therese the Little Flower, who herself was a sacristan and counseled that each person do small things with great love. Contact: Paul Kalamaha, 839-6390
BUILDINGS & GROUNDS COMMITTEE This committee assists with guiding the upkeep and maintenance of the buildings, major repairs and the yearly inspections. They evaluate and recommend to the Pastor short-term maintenance and improvement projects.
Contact: Parish office, 838-1520
FINANCE COUNCIL This six-member council considers and makes recommendations concerning parish finances to the pastor and Parish Council. They develop the yearly budget and supervise spending that helps meet the physical and spiritual needs of the parish. Members are appointed by the pastor. Contact: Mike Sander, 839-0911
HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE This committee welcomes new parishioners to Little Flower and helps host parish fellowship events and activities. Contacts: Diane Wittmayer, 838-0132 or Carolyn Johnson, 837-8972
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal service organization of men, founded under the principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. This organization provides men with a vehicle for building up the parish community and family life with an emphasis on family, youth, church, council, and community activities. You must be a Catholic male, at least 18 year old and a registered member of Little Flower to be a member. Contact: Deacon Tom Magnuson
OFFICE HELP/SCRIP SALES Volunteers are periodically needed in the parish office to perform a variety of tasks, including clerical work, help with mailings, cleaning, updating the website, and working on special projects. Volunteers also help support Bishop Ryan Catholic School through the SCRIP fundraising program by selling SCRIP cards before and after weekend Masses and helping with office tasks associated with the sales. Contact: Parish Office, 838-1520
PARISH COUNCIL The Parish Council is an advisory group for the pastor. It seeks to foster parish unity, assess parish needs, develop parish programs, coordinate parish activities, encourage parish participation in spiritual and apostolic life, and provide a forum for parish dialogue. They are elected by parish members and they share the policy-making role in the parish with the pastor. Contact: Paul Sander, 340-7861
STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE The Stewardship Committee is responsible for developing stewardship as a way of life at Little Flower. They evaluate the stewardship efforts of the parish, assist with the newsletter and annual Stewardship Renewal, and follow up with leaders concerning ministry participation. Contact: Jill Aarseth, 509-5741
FUNERAL MINISTRY At Little Flower Parish, we serve a luncheon following every funeral. The funeral meal brings people together to remember the deceased, socialize with each other, and support the mourners emotionally. These volunteers set up, prepare, and serve the luncheons after funerals. In the past, the Little Flower Confraternity has been the sole source of volunteers for this ministry; however, we would like to extend an invitation to join this ministry to all of the Little Flower parishioners. Whether setting up chairs or slicing pickles, it all helps in supporting a family parish member who is going through the healing process of losing a loved one. Contact: Karen McDonald, 838-4733 or Amy Aberle, 722-5525
PARISH ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE This group consists of representatives from each of the parish leadership ministries who work together to plan parish fellowship activities and fundraising events throughout the year. Contact: Parish Office, 838-1520.
FOOD PANTRY It is a work of mercy to serve those who are less fortunate. All members of Little Flower Parish are invited to bring non-perishable food items and place them in the basket in the back of the church. Monetary donations can be placed in the food pantry replica located by the Baptismal Font in the church. Coordinators and other volunteers are needed to work at the food pantry Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays between 1 and 4 p.m. to serve clients. Volunteers are also needed in the mornings for collecting food from various places. Coordinators are always needed to open the pantry at 1 p.m., answer questions and the phone, and bag groceries to give to the clients. Contact: Joyce and Roger Sand, Pantry - 839-5520, Home - 838-9221
IN-HOME MINISTRY Ministers go to those who are confined to their houses, nursing homes or hospitals. They bring Communion and spend time in prayer and fellowship with these individuals. Ministers foster a living link between the Body of Christ at Little Flower and our parishioners who are unable to attend parish functions. Contact: Parish Office, 838-1520
JAIL MINISTRY The Jail Ministry serves the spiritual and religious needs of any inmates in our nearby prisons and jails who want to know more about Christianity and the Christian way of life. It also reaches out to families of the incarcerated to help them with their spiritual and emotional needs. Training is provided. Contact: Cathy Haarstad (701) 721-5255
NURSING HOME VOLUNTEERS Volunteers from Little Flower are needed to assist residents of Trinity Homes Nursing Home as they attend Mass at the center. Masses are held on Thursdays, and Little Flower assists on the first Thursday of the month. Volunteers also set up and serve at each Mass, bring Holy Communion to those unable to leave their room, and engage in a time of fellowship with residents. Contact: Varden Lang, 838-4520
PARISH PRAYER CHAIN A network of parishioners prays for intentions requested by fellow parishioners. Each prayer request is prayerfully passed to dozens of parishioners via telephone or email. Requests may be for prayers for anyone - Catholic or non-Catholic, parishioners or non-parishioners. Contact: Vicki Gores, 839-8543
ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COMMITTEE This committee is designed to help organize various Adult Faith Education opportunities throughout the year; i.e. Bible Studies, topic discussions. Contact: Parish Office, 838-1520
CATECHESIS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD CGS (Catechesis of the Good Shepherd) is the parish’s vehicle to fulfill the God-given privilege and responsibility of educating parish children in the Catholic Faith. It helps to build our Christian community by sharing our Catholic community’s faith journey. CGS is a Montessori-style program that encourages children to enter into a relationship with The Good Shepherd through the use of hands-on education. Our three atriums (classrooms) are located in the former school building attached to the church. CGS is available to kids ages 3 to grade six. Volunteers are needed to serve as teachers and assistants. Contact: Nancy Magnuson: 701-509-4916 or nmagnuson@brhs.com.
COUPLES FOR MARRIAGE PREPARATION WEEKEND Experienced married couples are needed to assist engaged couples preparing for marriage. There are four weekends a year in Minot and the couples help with hosting, hospitality, leading table discussions and, after preparation, some couples give talks during the weekend. Contact: Fr. Kenneth Phillips, 838-1520
RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS (RCIA) RCIA is a process of instruction, prayer and faith sharing in a group that leads a participant into full communion with the Catholic Church. Instructors walk with RCIA candidates on their journey of faith. Acting as liaisons with the parish, they help candidates as they integrate their lives into the social and ministerial life of the faith community. Adults can begin the process of preparing for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at any time during the year. Many parish volunteers are needed for the success of this ministry. Contact: Fr. Kenneth Phillips, 838-1520
YOUTH MINISTRY This ministry develops, promotes, and enhances the social and spiritual needs of the youth in our parish community. Activities include retreats, The Rock, social events, ministry projects and fellowship opportunities. The programs also encourage our youth to become more active in the parish community-at-large. Adult volunteers are needed for the success of this ministry. Contact: Deacon Tom Magnuson, Deacon Hans Gayzur